Category: Equipment

  • Ardent FX Decarboxylator Review

    Edibles have become a lot more popular lately. You can buy anything from gummies to cookies to beverages. Making your own edibles has also evolved way past the classic pot brownie. One very important process to making a good batch of anything infused with cannabis is decarboxylating. Decarboxylation is the process of activating the compounds…

  • What’s that smell?

    Let’s take a moment to discuss the odor of indoor growing. These plants smell, even when not flowering. Some people are nose blind to it but I can smell a plant in veg. Let’s discuss setup and use of an odor control plan. The #1 item I suggest buying and having around is this: Ona…

  • Recommended Equipment

    A question that comes up over and over again is “what should I get to start my own grow?” so I have decided to make a list for quick reference. Before you go all Gung-ho and buy everything on this list, pleaseVisit our local vendors page, visit their stores, and do some planning to figure…